Start the Trolldom Journey today!

Explore the Folk Magic practices of Trolldom, Discover what you can do, Learn to open up to Nature, Grow in Wisdom and Spiritual Connection. This is the direction in which our courses will guide you. Our 18-month live courses start twice every year. If you donÂŽt want to wait you can start taking the Achive course today.

Trolldom Online Courses.

Trolldom & Nordic Spirituality - Live Education and Training.

This is our main 18 month LIVE (and recorded) class. Spread over 72 lessons (and 20+ bonus lessons) you will learn everything you need to be a practicing Trollkunnig. The course is divided into three sections: “Foundations”, “The Trolldom Tradition” & "Modern and Professional Applications”.

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Trolldom Archives - Access pre-recorded lessons and the forum.

Access to the Trolldom Archives with 4 pre-recorded lessons each month. Access to the Forum and reference materials. For Lesson contents see Trolldom & Nordic Spirituality - Live education & Training page. 

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Trolldom Workshops 2023/2024

Trolldom intensive 3-day & 5-day workshops in Sweden & US.

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Two Ways To Learn Trolldom.

72 lessons of 1-1,5 hours each. More than 15 bonus videos. Listen to the history of magical practice in Scandinavia and get close to the culture and the lands. Learn the traditional ways of working with spirits and cast spells. Learn the old healing methods, learn about the materials and tools used

  • LIVE CLASS - Live classes every week, all lessons uploaded to the site and can be watched at any point thereafter.

  • THE TROLLDOM ARCHIVES - Access to previous recordings and the Forum. This is the option for those who cannot commit to live lessons but still want to learn the tradition. 


The Spiritual Legacy of the North

Learn Practical, Useful and Effective Magic & Spiritual techniques. Become rooted in the soil and in the Tradition of our Nordic Ancestors.

"The best teachers are those who enlighten and empower their students to connect with their natural abilities and gifts to do "the work." Johannes is certainly one of these teachers and more. He shares his extensive knowledge of Scandinavian folk magic in a way that is approachable and applicable in today's world. Taking his class has made a big difference in my practice and healing work. I am most grateful for his teachings. "

Gabriela Sarna Wiraszka, Spirit Worker,

""I have been working closely with Johannes GÄrdbÀck for nearly one and a half years. I approached him with the specific intention of wanting more training to build up my confidence and knowledge to do practitioner work. Coming from a background in traditional witchcraft, folk magic, plant lore and trance work, I felt that even with all of the tools that I had already acquired, there was something missing. I am so glad that I followed my intuition and had the opportunity to work with Johannes. My training with him has far exceeded my expectations. Johannes is a gifted teacher and practitioner with so much experience that his approach is practical, no nonsense and efficient. He is extremely generous with his knowledge, for those that are committed to doing the work. He challenged me and tested me in ways that I would have never sought on my own and at times, pushed me gently out of my comfort zone in order to polish my skills and put them to use. He is helpful and thorough with his guidance, and ultimately very encouraging. While he has high standards, his expectations are realistic and he has been very understanding when life gets busy. At the same time, I feel blessed to have a teacher with such skill and discernment. Johannes is also a walking encyclopedia of folk lore and magical applications, it is a joy to be exposed to this. He is always willing to answer my many questions, and has been very patient with the learning process. I feel honored to work with him and feel much more well rounded in my ability to do practitioner work for others, including spirit work, spell work and all manners of practical magic. He has expanded my horizons considerably as he is one of the few people that I have met that thinks like an old school magical practitioner- he focuses on the magic and the work being done, rather than the image or the aesthetic. Also, nothing shocks him which is great. He has pretty much seen it all. If you are called to working closely with spirits, helping others in the invisible realm, doing the practical and getting your hands dirty type of folk magic, if you enjoy being challenged and problem solving, and if you have high ethics in regards to your magical work, Johannes is a wonderful guide, mentor, teacher and resource.""

Corinne Boyer (USA).

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